How to ensure your vision board is a success!

Janice Sutherland
3 min readJan 7, 2021


✔ Vision Board created

✔✔ Visioning party attended

✔✔✔ Goal setting webinar completed

Your plan is written and it excites you AND you’re ready to level up and become a powerhouse in your life — your only question is HOW?

How do you ensure that you achieve the goals you have created?


A way to make to sure you stay on track, someone who will stand by your side through your ups and downs and who will work with you to achieve your goals.

Think of having an accountability partner as similar to having a gym buddy. They are there to help motivate and encourage you, to remind you to stick to your exercise and nutrition goals, to help you set realistic expectations, and ultimately push you to reach your goals.

If you’re wondering whether this is the type of support will help you, let me share some benefits of having an accountability partner or being part of an accountability group;

Your performance will improve: When people know they are being held accountable by others for their actions, they will work harder. Research shows that when someone publicly shares their goals, they have around a 65% chance of success. However, having a specific accountability partner boosts that chance to 95%.

You receive honest feedback: Just as you are committed to your goals, your accountability partner must be committed to giving you honest feedback, both positive and negative.

You stay on track: Being part of an accountability group can keep you on track and improve productivity by reducing goal distraction.

You can avoid feelings of overwhelm: If it all gets a little too much, you can get help to break down your goals into actionable and attainable steps.

You will be able to create deadlines: Your accountability partner will help you in reaching your goals by setting agreed deadlines. Sharing your goals will help ensure that you reach your them.

You stay grounded: Accountability enables you to reinforce your goals regularly. It prevents you from becoming overly ambitious and keep your feet on the ground, and helps you stay mindful of the present so that you can achieve your short-term goals.

You will keep problems in perspective: If you don’t address small problems right away, they can quickly grow into bigger issues. There may be times when you inadvertently overlook concerns that need to be addressed, a second pair of eyes can help prevent these instances from occurring.

You can learn from others’ successes and mistakes: Having a conversation with like-minded individuals, can give you new perspectives on challenges through real-life examples. You can learn from other people’s successes as well as their mistakes.

You get the opportunity to network: to expand your network with other like minded ambitious women.

If you’d like to join SucceedHER or know more about how the SucceedHER Accountability Mastermind can you help you achieve your goals, click the link or message me at



Janice Sutherland

An award winning women’s leadership expert and CEO of This Woman Can — career development for professional women of color.