Unlocking the Potential: Prioritizing Personal Development for Accomplished Black Women

Janice Sutherland
3 min readMay 14, 2024


We’re good at professional development but not personal development!

In my interview with Madeline McQueen, that was a word!

While we excel in advancing our professional skills, sometimes we overlook the equally crucial realm of personal development. This is particularly relevant for accomplished Black women over 50. We’ve mastered the art of navigating corporate landscapes, honing our expertise, and climbing the career ladder, yet the spotlight on personal growth often takes a backseat.

In our pursuit of professional excellence, we’ve mastered the art of career development, honing skills, and climbing the corporate ladder. However, when it comes to personal development, especially for the dynamic and resilient mature Black women , there’s room to elevate our approach. While we’ve excelled in advancing our professional expertise, it’s crucial to recognize the importance of nurturing our personal growth and well-being. It’s not just about climbing the career ladder; it’s about thriving holistically at every stage of life. Statistics show that we’re one of the most educated demographic and I’m not surprised as when we feel a lack in our achievement or progress our first thought is often to obtain even more qualifications.

As we navigate the complexities of leadership and life, there’s a unique opportunity to integrate personal development seamlessly into your journey. To hone not only your leadership skills but also empowers you to embrace self-care, strengthen resilience, and find fulfillment beyond the boardroom. Let’s redefine success by acknowledging that personal and professional development are interconnected.

For those of us over 50, it’s about a comprehensive journey that embraces both the professional strides we’ve made and the personal fulfillment we deserve.

Because when personal and professional development go hand in hand, that’s where true empowerment lies.

Here are 8 actions mature Black women can consider to enhance both their professional and personal development:

  1. Prioritize Self-Care: Dedicate time for self-care rituals, whether it’s meditation, exercise, or activities that bring joy. Nurturing your well-being is a cornerstone of personal development.
  2. Set Personal Goals: Beyond professional objectives, establish personal goals that align with your values and aspirations. This could include learning a new skill, pursuing a hobby, or fostering meaningful relationships.
  3. Cultivate a Growth Mindset: Embrace challenges as opportunities for growth. A growth mindset allows you to see setbacks as learning experiences, fostering resilience and adaptability.
  4. Network Strategically: Expand your professional and personal network intentionally. Connect with individuals who inspire you, share similar values, or offer diverse perspectives.
  5. Invest in Continuous Learning: Stay curious and committed to lifelong learning. Attend workshops, read widely, or engage in courses that contribute to both your professional and personal growth.
  6. Seek Mentorship: Find mentors who can guide you not only in your career but also in aspects of life. Their experiences and insights can provide valuable perspectives on both professional and personal challenges.
  7. Foster Work-Life Integration: Strive for a balance that integrates work and personal life harmoniously. Define boundaries and create a supportive environment that allows you to thrive in all areas.
  8. Celebrate Achievements: Acknowledge and celebrate your accomplishments, both big and small. Reflecting on achievements boosts confidence and encourages a positive mindset for future endeavors.

Remember, personal and professional development go hand in hand. By actively incorporating these actions into your life, you can cultivate a holistic approach to growth that empowers you to thrive at every stage.

Feeling stuck and undervalued at work?

Download my FREE guide, “Reimagine Your Success: 5 Signs It’s Time to Quit the BS and Reimagine Your Success,” specifically designed for Black women over 50.

This guide will help you identify:

  • Signs that your current role is no longer fulfilling
  • Strategies to advocate for your expertise and value
  • Tips for creating a healthy work-life balance
  • How to prioritize your wants and redefine success on your own terms

Don’t settle for “BS” any longer! Download your free guide and take control of your career journey today.



Janice Sutherland

An award winning women’s leadership expert and CEO of This Woman Can — career development for professional women of color.